
a way to claim already uploaded recordings?

andy108369 opened this issue · 9 comments

Say I have uploaded some recordings to the asciinema but forgot to asciinema auth, is there a way to authenticate / claim them?

I guess I'd need to download them until they haven't been archived yet and then push them back (asciinema upload file.json) once I asciinema auth'ed again.

Before I close this one, is there a way to download the archived recordings?

Such as these 3:

From what I'm able to see, when no asciinema auth is run, there is a different link for claiming that record:

From what I'm able to see, when no asciinema auth is run, there is a different link for claiming that record: Look: asciicast

I'm getting 404 on your link:

404 Not Found
This page doesn't exist. Sorry!

I'm getting 404 on your link:

oops, the link was private. It's public now. @andy108369

I'm getting 404 on your link:

oops, the link was private. It's public now. @andy108369

Cool, it works now.

How do I derive the number off of the above 3 links that I've got archived?

How do I derive the number off of the above 3 links that I've got archived?

From what I'm seeing, you cannot.

Upon a recording, you get that uuid for reclaiming the recording.
If you do not claim that, the recording will be deleted after 7 days.
If you have a recording link, and it is currently working, I shall assume it was claimed by someone (or else, it is some old behavior I don't know about)

(or is archived very different from deleted? 🤔)

ku1ik commented

Archived is slightly different than deleted - it's hidden/inaccesible, but recoverable upon request. Periodically (irregularly) I do delete recordings which were in archived state for a long time.

ku1ik commented

If you upload first, forgetting to asciinema auth, you can still asciinema auth later from the same machine and it will link the recordings to your account. In other words: you can do it in any order, as long as you do it from the same machine (and system user).

You can't claim a recording from another system because the thing that links you to your recordings is "installation ID" stored in ~/.config/asciinema dir. Unless you sync your asciinema installation ID file across machines, but that's not recommended (although would work).

ku1ik commented

@andy108369 I've recovered your 3 old recordings.