
Consider including more visual examples?

kai-tub opened this issue ยท 2 comments

Hey, thank you for working on this project! ๐Ÿ‘
I was wondering if you would consider updating the asciinema Python documentation on a stand-alone documentation website.
I am more than happy to help set up a template documentation site and configure anything Sphinx related.
My ulterior motive is that I would be interested in potentially 'upstreaming' some of my documentation to the asciinema project:

I am happy to answer any questions/concerns you might have and help you with Sphinx if you haven't used it before. :)


ku1ik commented

Hey. I haven't used Sphinx and I don't have a use case at the moment (or I don't know I have :))
Thanks for the offer but I'll stick to documentation in repo READMEs for now.

Sure. Thanks for responding! :)