
Cannot use remote folder for Sent Items over SSL

Closed this issue · 2 comments

This is a known limitation of Evolution v2.
Was not fixed until 3.1 and it was then determined that there would be no backport.

Essentially, IMAP + SSL will not allow External Sent Items storage

Options: Use local folder for sent item storage or use an IMAP tunnel for encryption.

This seems to be somewhat improved by time of 1ffd117

Configuring a remote-imap-sent-items folder over encryption still requires a few restarts due to an Evolution must-restart-to-apply bug that wasn't fixed until version 3-something:

  1. Configure a defined IMAP server to use "SSL" or "TLS" (trivia: These should actually be re-worded as "SSL/TLS" for implicit-encryption, and "STARTTLS" for the inferior opportunistic "start-if-you-can" encryption, respectively - for those unfamiliar with the historical confusion, forever etched into the interface of EV2W :) Restart
  2. Back to configuration, go to Defaults tab -> Select the desired IMAP folder for sent items. Restart
  3. The account encryption settings most likely will be reverted to "No Encryption". Change back to the desired Encryption setting again. Restart
  4. Evolution should now be able to send emails and save those emails to the remote SENT ITEMS folder using encrypted protocol.

Tested on Courier-IMAP (2 versions) Debian Linux

This bug no longer occurs and for time being can be considered resolved.