
Unknown ./configure options

corasaurus-hex opened this issue · 3 comments

I can't tell if this is an actual issue or not but I see this when installing php 7.4.7 on MacOS Catalina:

buildconf: Run ./configure to proceed with customizing the PHP build.
configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-freetype-dir, --with-icu-dir, --with-jpeg-dir, --with-webp-dir, --with-png-dir, --with-libxml-dir, --with-libzip, --enable-gd-native-ttf, --enable-wddx, --enable-zip, --with-gd, --with-mysql

PHP installs fine and so far is working ok.

If they do not exist, they are not set and the build will not fail. But, some configs may be missing.

I don't have time to investigate this so if someone will investigate and create a PR if necessary, will review it.

Close this once, but if there is still a problem, please open it again.