
Install php_pgsql

gilvaju opened this issue · 9 comments

I need use php_pgsql.

Is possible install on asdf installation?

Doesn't this work?

PHP_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--with-pgsql" asdf install php <VERSION>


PHP_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--with-pgsql=<PATH TO PSQL>" asdf install php <VERSION>

The installation dont finished.

I use: PHP_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--with-pgsql" asdf install php 7.4.12

Captura de Tela_Área de Seleção_20201028155612

Please tell me the environmental information such as OS, its version, etc...

If you are using macOS, have you done all these steps?

brew install autoconf automake bison freetype gettext icu4c krb5 libedit libiconv libjpeg libpng libxml2 libzip pkg-config re2c zlib

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$(brew --prefix icu4c)/lib/pkgconfig:$(brew --prefix krb5)/lib/pkgconfig:$(brew --prefix libedit)/lib/pkgconfig:$(brew --prefix libxml2)/lib/pkgconfig:$(brew --prefix openssl)/lib/pkgconfig"

export PATH="$(brew --prefix bison)/bin:$PATH"

PHP_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--with-pgsql" asdf install php 7.4.12

Probably because openssl is not found, if the following log appears during configure:

checking for OpenSSL support... no

For example, I use Void Linux, so I had to specify it like this:

PHP_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--with-pgsql --with-openssl=/usr/include/openssl" asdf install php 7.4.12

Hi, i use arch linux

Probably because openssl is not found, if the following log appears during configure:

checking for OpenSSL support... no

For example, I use Void Linux, so I had to specify it like this:

PHP_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--with-pgsql --with-openssl=/usr/include/openssl" asdf install php 7.4.12

I will try --with-openssl

Captura de Tela_Área de Seleção_20201029065441

PHP_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--with-pgsql --with-openssl=/usr/include/openssl" asdf install php 7.4.12

It's work. Thank you very much.

I'm glad it works. Your question seems to have been resolved, so I will close this issue.