
Erlang installation fails on macOS M1

rukykf opened this issue · 3 comments

When attempting to install Erlang/OTP 25.0.2 using this plugin on my M1, I get this error relating to segmentation faults:

server git:(master) asdf update 
HEAD is now at 7e7a1fa chore: release 0.10.2 (#1233)
Updated asdf to release v0.10.2
➜  server git:(master) asdf reshim 
➜  server git:(master) asdf install
elixir 1.14.0-otp-25 is already installed
-n asdf_25.0.2 is not a kerl-managed Erlang/OTP installation
-n The asdf_25.0.2 build has been deleted
-n Extracting source code
-n Building Erlang/OTP 25.0.2 (asdf_25.0.2), please wait...
APPLICATIONS DISABLED (See: /Users/miguel/.asdf/plugins/erlang/kerl-home/builds/asdf_25.0.2/otp_build_25.0.2.log)
 * jinterface     : Java compiler disabled by user

Build failed.
/bin/sh: line 1: 68723 Segmentation fault: 11  erlc -W -Werror +debug_info -DENABLE_MEGACO_FLEX_SCANNER=true -DMEGACO_REENTRANT_FLEX_SCANNER=true -Dmegaco_parser_inline 

I'm not sure what could be causing this and I'd appreciate any help I can get. Thanks.

Preen commented


Tried everything, removed brew, reinstalled it, reinstalled openssl@1.1, installed wxw from source, tried different kerl_options...

Preen commented

@rukykf The problem I had was that both my Iterm and ZSH was in rosetta mode. If you run arch and it prints i386 you need to reinstall zsh and iterm, also reinstalling brew.

I did some of the things through the built in terminal instead.

@rukykf did @Preen's comments help you at all?