
Alt to use Eyedropper does not work (but regular eyedropper does)

oskarkv opened this issue · 2 comments

Alt (with the default keybindings) to use the Eyedropper tool, for example while using the brush tool, does not work: it does not set the color when clicking on something. Using the Eyedropper tool by itself (not Alt) works.


Aseprite and System version

  • Aseprite version: 1.3.5-x64
  • System: Linux Mint

Hi @oskarkv, generally on several Linux desktop/window managers the Alt key is used as a way to resize windows, so the key is captured by the window manager. Probably some configuration in Linux Mint to disable the Alt key as a modifier to resize windows might fix the Alt+click to pick colors.

Ah, yes, that solved it. Thanks @dacap!