
Error when importing files exported by Aseprite into Unreal Engine

whirlwind0204 opened this issue · 2 comments

Exported files from Aseprite produce 'unsupported file type' errors in Unreal Engine 4.27.2

Error occurs attempting to use them as a:

  • Game Icon
  • Editor Splash
  • and Game Splash


Personal Workaround

Inputting an exported .png of my icon into an online convertor (.png to .ico) allowed it to be accepted as a game icon

Tested file types

.jpg (Editor and Game Splash)
.ico (Game Icon)

Aseprite and System version

  • Aseprite version: v1.3.6, dev
  • System: Windows 10 Home, Ver. 22H2

Additional Information:

I have found that despite the error persisting, the game icons do in fact show when launching the game

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create an Unreal Engine 4.27.2 Project
  2. Enter Project Settings > Scroll down to Platform > Windows
  3. Set the Game Icon, Editor Splash or Game Splash
  4. If Editor Splash was set, it will show on relaunch - If Game Icon was set, it will show as the application icon when launching game in PIE

Thanks for this report. I was able to reproduce it.