
Cursor smoothing on Retina displays

Catalyst-42 opened this issue · 0 comments

The problem

On Retina displays, at standard screen resolution (1/2 of the maximum resolution, which is the default setting), all cursors appear antialiased. Here are some examples:

Retina 1/2 Retina 1/2 Retina at max resolution
retina_x2_cursor retina_x2_scale_cursor retina_x1_cursor

As I understand it, the computer gets the original cursor sprite for the retina screen and then compresses it with anti-aliasing to the specified resolution.

I'm not sure if this problem is fundamentally solvable, as I've found some other applications in which perfect pixels get smoothed out

Aseprite and System version

  • Aseprite 1.3.6-arm64 (steam beta)
  • System: macOS Sonoma 14.4.1