
Size of the file dialog window

Catalyst-42 opened this issue · 1 comments

The feature request

Each time you save a file, the dialog window that opens is positioned at the last saved coordinates, but each time at the default size. It would be cool to also save the size of the dialog window so that it is always displayed where it should be. (As it can be done, for example, with the image preview window during drawing).

Bit annoying Looks good, but... Perfect May be perfect

Aseprite and System version

  • Aseprite version: Steam [beta] Aseprite 1.3.6-arm64
  • System: macOS Sonoma

Hi there, I've tried to reproduce this in macOS Monterey, with the same Aseprite version as yours without any success. I can see that the dialog position and size is saved, except when I close it with a size smaller to a certain limit (which I'm too lazy to check...sorry) only then, the next time I open it it is displayed with a default size (pretty big IMO) and position.

Okay I was able to reproduce it when using "single window UI" mode! So, as a workaround, you can try "multiple windows UI" mode:

You can activate it by clicking the button at the bottom right shown in the image.

But I think this is a bug, thank you for reporting.