
Wrong tile sequence in exported tilesets when using Packed sheet type

eefano opened this issue · 1 comments

Exported tileset in horizontal strip (CORRECT ORDER):


Same tileset in packed (WRONG ORDER):


Packing size doesn't change the sequence.

The biggest problem is that the exported JSON is useless, because the tileset sequence doesn't match with the tile index in the tilemap.

Aseprite v1.3.6-dev on Arch Linux.

dacap commented

Hi @eefano, a couple of things:

  1. I think you are looking for the Sheet Type as "By Rows:


  2. The "Packed" format always needs the JSON data to read the output sprite sheet, anyway as you saw it's impossible to reconstruct it because there are some missing data on each item (tileIndex field or {tile} in filename format for hash JSON data) or the order in the JSON array is not the order of the tileset. This is a bug 👍