
Faced 'Error: unable to open database "xxx.db": automatic extension loading failed: no extension with name 'http' registered'.

avinashkurup opened this issue · 4 comments

I am attempting to statically link the sqlite-http extension with the amalgamation sqlite. I was able to succeed with another go extensions viz. sqlite-html. I face this error on extension loading in sqlite.

SQLite version 3.43.2 2023-10-10 12:14:04
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
Connected to a transient in-memory database.
Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database.
sqlite> select http_get_body('');
Error: unable to open database ":memory:": automatic extension loading failed: no extension with name 'http' registered

I find sqlite3_http_init included in the executable,

00000000001eea7f T sqlite3_global_recover
0000000000117a5a T sqlite3_hard_heap_limit64
0000000000400cf3 T sqlite3_html_init
000000000063a546 T sqlite3_http_init <------ calls go_sqlite3_extension_init
000000000063a596 T sqlite3_http_no_network_init
00000000000ea95b T sqlite3_ieee_init
00000000001e9b6d T sqlite3_initialize
00000000004034fe T _sqlite3_interrupt

nm -gC ./libsqlite_http0.a | grep 'go_sqlite3_extension_init'
000000000011e960 T _cgoexp_97bac8ba3e87_go_sqlite3_extension_init
U go_sqlite3_extension_init
U _cgoexp_97bac8ba3e87_go_sqlite3_extension_init
000000000000017e T go_sqlite3_extension_init
U go_sqlite3_extension_init

nm -gC html0.a | grep 'go_sqlite3_extension_init'
00000000001f3ea0 T _cgoexp_97bac8ba3e87_go_sqlite3_extension_init
U go_sqlite3_extension_init
U _cgoexp_97bac8ba3e87_go_sqlite3_extension_init
000000000000017e T go_sqlite3_extension_init
U go_sqlite3_extension_init

nm -gC ./sqlite | grep 'go_sqlite3_extension_init'
00000000005f76c0 T _cgoexp_97bac8ba3e87_go_sqlite3_extension_init
0000000000400eb0 T go_sqlite3_extension_init

where is go_sqlite3_extension_init defined, Please tell me what I am missing in the build process?


Hi, I am attempting to statically link the sqlite-http extension with the amalgamation sqlite. I was able to succeed with another go extensions viz. sqlite-html. I face this error on extension loading in sqlite.

SQLite version 3.43.2 2023-10-10 12:14:04 Enter ".help" for usage hints. Connected to a transient in-memory database. Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database. sqlite> select http_get_body(''); Error: unable to open database ":memory:": automatic extension loading failed: no extension with name 'http' registered

I find sqlite3_http_init included in the executable,

00000000001eea7f T sqlite3_global_recover 0000000000117a5a T sqlite3_hard_heap_limit64 0000000000400cf3 T sqlite3_html_init 000000000063a546 T sqlite3_http_init <------ calls go_sqlite3_extension_init 000000000063a596 T sqlite3_http_no_network_init 00000000000ea95b T sqlite3_ieee_init 00000000001e9b6d T sqlite3_initialize 00000000004034fe T _sqlite3_interrupt

nm -gC ./libsqlite_http0.a | grep 'go_sqlite3_extension_init' 000000000011e960 T _cgoexp_97bac8ba3e87_go_sqlite3_extension_init U go_sqlite3_extension_init U _cgoexp_97bac8ba3e87_go_sqlite3_extension_init 000000000000017e T go_sqlite3_extension_init U go_sqlite3_extension_init

nm -gC html0.a | grep 'go_sqlite3_extension_init' 00000000001f3ea0 T _cgoexp_97bac8ba3e87_go_sqlite3_extension_init U go_sqlite3_extension_init U _cgoexp_97bac8ba3e87_go_sqlite3_extension_init 000000000000017e T go_sqlite3_extension_init U go_sqlite3_extension_init

nm -gC ./sqlite | grep 'go_sqlite3_extension_init' 00000000005f76c0 T _cgoexp_97bac8ba3e87_go_sqlite3_extension_init 0000000000400eb0 T go_sqlite3_extension_init

where is go_sqlite3_extension_init defined, Please tell me what I am missing in the build process?


Issue with SQLite HTTP Extension Compilation


I am using the http extension in a custom build. I aim to obtain a static library that can be linked with the amalgamation SQLite version.

I've observed that the $(TARGET_OBJ) in the Makefile produces a file named sqlite-http/dist/http0.o. However, this seems to be a static library rather than an object file, as evident from the following:

$ file ./sqlite-http/dist/http0.o 
./sqlite-http/dist/http0.o: current ar archive

Is it necessary to compile the shared.c file, given it contains the entry point? Notably, the sqlite-html extension seems to function correctly. I am keen on making the sqlite-http extension operational as well.

Any guidance would be immensely appreciated.

asg017 commented

A few notes:

  • Yeah the $(TARGET_OBJ) makes a static library, my bad, will fix.
  • It's a bit awkward to statically compile this extension, for the reason you listed. I was able to do it once, with much headache. You may want to reference these issues for more info: riyaz-ali/sqlite#9 riyaz-ali/sqlite#18
  • There are special compile flags you'll need to add for Macos vs linux vs windows

Do you mind sharing the compile flags you've tried so far?

Thank you, These are the compile flags I have been using for compiling the static library for Linux.

GO_BUILD_LDFLAGS=-ldflags '-X main.Version=v$(VERSION) -X main.Commit=$(COMMIT) -X main.Date=$(DATE)'

Are you trying to embed this extension in another application?