
DMTET issue

xaranex1 opened this issue · 4 comments


RuntimeError: instance mode - pos must have shape [>0, >0, 4]
0% 0/100 [00:02<?, ?it/s]

Steps to Reproduce

my code:

%cd /content/stable-dreamfusion
!python -O --image /content/amulet_rgba.png --workspace trial_image6_test --test --dmtet --iters 5000 --save_mesh

Expected Behavior

Start DMTET and save result


Google Colab

I have now new problem: [WARN] No checkpoint found, model randomly initialized. i did parameter --dmtet --init_with trial_image22/checkpoints/df.pth but it not start from that checkpoint

I am also having this issue, did you ever fix?

I have now new problem: [WARN] No checkpoint found, model randomly initialized. i did parameter --dmtet --init_with trial_image22/checkpoints/df.pth but it not start from that checkpoint

maybe you should change --init_with to --init_ckpt

After I removed the --fp16, this issue disappeared.