
Thoughts on "Be quite for n" feature?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Looking for thoughts on this feature suggestion. I don't know Ruby, but would be happy to try and hack up a PR if anyone thought the idea was any good.

Imagine the scene. You have Gmail Notifier running and it checks your accounts for new mail, every 5 minutes (just the way you like it). However, you have some work you need to focus on, so you crack on with that.

Pow! 5 minutes in and a new email notification pops up. Your crazy Uncle has sent you an email containing a fake Michael J Fox quote on a controversial health care topic. Concentration denied!

What is the answer? How about a menu option with something like "Be quiet for 25" (the 25 being a preference configurable number). You select this and a timer starts counting down (and the Gmail notifier icon changes in some way). At the end of the timer, missed notifications are alerted!

Anyone down with this?

This is essentially turning GN into a Pomodoro timer with email blocking built in.


The app is written in Objective-C now at The Ruby version is no longer maintained.

Gmail Notifr has a feature to enable/disable an account. This could be found under each account's menu. I believe this serves the "Be quiet" feature quite well.

As for the timer, it's too complicated to me as that would make gmail notify do too many things. (I practice Pomodoro from time to time and I use physical timer and apps)

@ashchan thanks for the extra info, I had not noticed the move to ObjC.

Thanks for the idea of using disable account too. However, without a timer is a bit clunky. Looks like I'll have to fork and learn ObjC :)