
Username/password wrong

dangelion opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi ashchan, I'm trying your app that I heard around is the best as Gmail notifier.
I'm trying the free version 0.9 but after added my gmail account your app show an alert icon on the account and says that Username and password are wrong but they don't! I've already tried to restart the system and recreate the account. I'm on Mavericks 10.9.3
Hope in a solution!

@dangelion Usually this is just a temporary random issue. Wait a few hours and try again see if it's working.

@ashchan Thanks for answer. I installed the app 4 hours ago and nothing changes. Do you know what determines this issue? Is a problem that all the users have? Maybe the paid version is immune from these issues?

@dangelion No it's not an app logic issue as far as I know.

Please visit this in your browser: This is the feed Gmail Notifr uses to fetch your new messages.

I'd suggest you try it again tomorrow. Let me know if it works then.

@ashchan Yes, the feed link works right! Ok I will try your app tomorrow and let you know, but I think it's strange. Thanks

@ashchan James, maybe I've found the problem: Gmail Notifr seems to not work for google accounts with two-step verification, right? So I opened Security settings in my google account and from there I added a new password dedicated to the app. Now it works!

But I've another big problem/question: Gmail Notifr alerts me and counts all the unread emails, not only from Primary but from all the categories (Social, Forum, etc...). Is there a way to set alerts and email count only for Primary category?

@dangelion Aha 2 step verification. Yes in that case an application password is needed.

Sorry but currently it doesn't exclude emails from Social and Promotions tabs.