Error in Minutes when Minutes 60
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aqkhana2002 commented
func floatToHourMinute(_ time:Double)->(hours:Int, minutes:Int)? {
if time.isNaN {
return nil
let ttime = fixHour(time + 0.5 / 60.0) // add 0.5 minutes to round
var hours = Int(floor(time))
var minutes = Int(floor((ttime - Double(hours)) * 60.0))
return (hours: hours, minutes: minutes)
Change to :
func floatToHourMinute(_ time:Double)->(hours:Int, minutes:Int)? {
if time.isNaN {
return nil
let ttime = fixHour(time + 0.5 / 60.0) // add 0.5 minutes to round
var hours = Int(floor(time))
var minutes = Int(floor((ttime - Double(hours)) * 60.0))
if (minutes>=60)
hours = hours + 1
return (hours: hours, minutes: minutes)