
how to return only productlist(List<ProductModel> products) rather than returning widget

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Hi Ashish,

Thanks for sharing your work, backend structure is really great.
is there any way that i can return productlist(List products) without returning any widget?
every time I use BlocConsumer or Builder its asking for a Widget to return from dataWidget, how can i simply return the list
can u suggest me some modifications for it

        cubit: allProductsCubit,
            (BuildContext context, ResultState<List<ProductModel>> state) {},
        builder: (BuildContext context, ResultState<List<ProductModel>> state) {
          return ResultStateBuilder(
            state: state,
            loadingWidget: (bool isReloading) {
              return Center(
                child: CommonAppLoader(),
            errorWidget: (String error) {
              return Container();
            dataWidget: (List<ProductModel> value) {
              return dataWidget(value);          //only returns widget here

I got that there is something I need to change at result_state, cannot understand what to change
Response would be much appreciated!

I got to know about that using

fetchProduct([String condition]) async {
  try {
    if (condition == null) {
      documents = await _firebaseRepo.getAllProducts();
    } else {
      documents = await _firebaseRepo.getAllProductsData(condition);
    products = List<Product>.generate(
        documents.length, (index) => Product.fromJson(documents[index]));
    List.generate(products.length, (index) {
    return products.toSet().toList();
  } catch (e) {
    return e.toString();