
A repo containing miscellaneous notes ! It may be too messy to be used by any one else. However, you might be find time-saving/useful things in it!

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


A repo containing miscellaneous notes ! It may be too messy to be used by any one else. However, you might be find time-saving/useful things in it!. In addition to links, I also archived some materials here.

  • Courses
    • Charles Deledalle - Software - Teaching
      • UCSD ECE285 Machine learning for image processing
      • UCSD ECE285 Image and video restoration
    • Berkeley's Digital Image Processing course
    • Hyperspectral Imaging Seminar by Prof. Hagit Hel-Or (Collection of genuine papers related to HSI, HSI statistics, classification, segmentation, denoising, sensor fusion, compression, biometrics, etc.) - Archived Page.

  • OCT datasets
    • Optical Coherence Tomography Image Retinal Database - University of Waterloo - link - doi - (Classification/Segmentation)
    • Kaggle - Retinal OCT Images (optical coherence tomography) in 4 categories (CNV/DME/DRUSEN/NORMAL) - link