The project is basically modification to the very popular software JFLAP. We have implemented the 2-NF converter 
and the ambiguity checker and added it as the extension to JFLAP. 

The files that are added for the 2NF converter are as follows. - This file contains the GUI for the converter. - This file contains all the logic and the algorithm for the 2-NF converter. 

The files that are added for the ambiguity checker are as follows. - This file contains the GUI for the converter. - This file has the logic and the algorithm for the ambiguity checker. It has two methods
parse() and checkforTesting(). The parse() method is used for the normal JFLAP flow since it interacts with the GUI.
The checkfortesting() method is used for testing student grammars. 

The student grammars used for testing has also been added to the project. These grammars were tested using file. It goes through each student grammar and tests it. So for testing you can run this file
instead of running


Ashpak Shaikh