
Memory footprint of StringZilla

MalteEbner opened this issue · 2 comments

Do you have any benchmarks and comparisons of the memory footprint of Stringzilla?

As some examples:

  • saving a string with 1Mio chars as stringzilla.Str vs a python str
  • saving many strings, e.g. 1Mio strings with 50 chars each as
    • python list[str]
    • list[stringzilla.Str]
    • stringzilla.Strs

In the case of stringzilla.Strs: What is their behavior when reading from them with multiprocessing? Will they be copied on read or not?

Valid concerns! In the first case you won’t feel the difference. In the second case, the behavior will vary depending on the platform, and may be suboptimal, depending on the C++ shared_ptr implementation. As for the last part - the strings won’t be copied.

Thanks for the answer!