
A simple app to understand the basics of a nodejs app

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple app to understand the basics of a nodejs app

This app has following 4 functionalities:

  1. Clock: To understand where one should put the static assets (js,css and images) and how to use them in an app.
  2. Temprature: To understand how to use a JSON api with the help of 'request' npm module.
  3. Upload a file: To understand how callbacks works in javascript.
  4. Upload multiple files: To understand how to use callbacks in a for loop using javascript's IIFE (immediately-invoked-function-expression)

How to run this app:

 npm install
 node app.js

This repo uses some of the front-end assests from following resources:

  1. http://monkeecreate.github.io/jquery.simpleWeather/
  2. http://tutorialzine.com/2009/12/colorful-clock-jquery-css/