
Error on MP4 DS1.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I think my solution for MP4 is correct. It runs correctly on the Coursera site. DS0 and DS2-5 run correctly locally. But I am getting the wrong answer when I run DS1 locally:

Solution does not match at item 0. Expecting 1029.6700439453 but got 1029.6650390625.

As you can see, my answer is about .005004 away from the expected answer. I looked at the solution checker and it looks for solutions that are within .005.

Is anybody else having this problem? I believe that the checker on the Coursera site is rounding to two decimal places before checking.

I ran exactly into the same issue, I just pushed a commit to reduce the precision to make the tests closer to coursera's ones.

@mehaase The latest merge from @iemejia fixes this issue. Thanks for pointing it out. 😄