
Have issue with adding new language

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I saw .sh script and downloaded and unzip new language, then enabled it in swagger.
But i get error

<p>ru is not a supported language code. The supported language codes are dict_keys(['sv', 'eu', 'hr', 'de', 'it', 'hu', 'he', 'gl', 'da', 'cs', 'pt', 'hi', 'et', 'es', 'grc', 'no', 'la', 'nl', 'sl', 'fi', 'id', 'el', 'pl', 'en', 'bg', 'zh', 'fr'])</p>

Where else i should add new language

Tpt commented

You have to edit the file and update the _universal_languages table (and you should probably update the file to make its installation automated). A pull request is welcome!