
An error occure when apply the pwa extension

Closed this issue · 11 comments

I have successfully install pwa extension by composer require command
When I turn to barraar page and click the checkbox before the pwa item then:
I have updated all the things and reload the page but not work.
Should I install the sw.js and something else in the previous repo?

Hi! Could you check your error logs (storage/logs/flarum) and share more info?

Thanks in advanced!

Hi! It looks like this is cut off. Could you copy-paste the full log into a hastebin?
SOOOO sorry for this mistake! Now i attach the log file in the compressed file

Looks like it's trying to recreate a table that already exists. Try going into your database, dropping the push_subscriptions table, and then trying again

I delete it from myphpadmin, but still error at the extension store of flarum. Then I back to phpadmin and the push_subscriptions appears again. I attach the log. I...have almost no idea about the backend and I just use this beautiful framework for a BBS...
Hope you can help me !

Ah, that is correct (no need to delete anything else). This is an issue with your database, take a look at

Thanks a lot ! Everything could work except one error when I install the extension for message pushing:
The last help! Please~
Thanks for your kind contribution!

You need to require v5.2.5 of minishlink web push

After installing the v5.2.5 minishlink, there still a notification that tells me I have no gmp and minishlink.
If it is not easy to solve, it ok. I can wait for the next version update
Thanks again for your generously help !!!

You're making progress! Now, you need to ensure that the php-gmp extension is not just installed, but also enabled. The exact steps for doing this depend on your server's operating system.