
Can I include html in the message when using the API? is that supported?

mauriciojsola opened this issue ยท 8 comments

Can I include html in the message when using the API? is that supported?

No, that is not supported. But I can add this feature to the next release.

That would be great. Thanks!

@aslanon yes, please

please add this feature. I want to use icon fonts that need HTML support.

please add this feature. I want to use icon fonts that need HTML support.

please add this feature. I want to use icon fonts that need HTML support.

I did not find any photos or demos of this package. What does it look like?

Captura de Pantalla 2021-03-07 a la(s) 19 13 08

Here is an example. You CAN put HTML into the message.

Not the most beautiful solution, but you can manipulate the DOM of confirm dialog with JS

After this.$confirm() you can add like this:

setTimeout(() => { document.querySelector('.vc-container .vc-text').innerHTML = '<strong>Hello</strong>'; }, 50);