Unexpected fail linting
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sodacrackers commented
It seems like this should pass, but fails.
The template works and looks fine when viewing pages though.
Twig Code:
{% set n = content.field_content_blocks['#items']|length %}
{% set classes = [
'n-' ~ p,
n is divisible by (2) ? 'n-twos',
n is divisible by (3) ? 'n-threes'
] %}
<section class="row crocosmias">
<div class="col-xs-12 {{ classes|myextensions_join_parts }}">
Lint Error:
[ExecStack] Done in 7.663s
> validate:twig:files
Linting twig files...
Iterating over fileset files.twig...
KO in /www/repos/uwmcms/docroot/themes/custom/cust_theme/templates/node/node--fact-page.html.twig (line 28)
26 {% set classes = [
27 'n-' ~ p,
>> 28 (n is divisible by (2) ? 'n-twos',
>> An opened parenthesis is not properly closed. Unexpected token "name" of value "by" ("punctuation" expected with value ")").
29 (n is divisible by (3)) ? 'n-threes'
30 ] %}
[error] Executing `'/www/repos/cust_theme/vendor/bin/twig-lint' lint --only-print-errors '%s'` against fileset(s) files.twig returned a non-zero exit code.`