
A JSX library for creating JSON.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A JSX library for creating JSON.



This repository provides a JSX pragma for writing JSON as component based code in the same way you might write HTML + JS with React.

This allows you to define elegant, re-usable and composable components for your JSON.


Getting Started

Install this package using npm / yarn.

yarn add json-jsx

The recommended way to use this package is with JSX in your codebase. This can be achieved by using the @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx and babel-plugin-jsx-pragmatic plugins.

Add the babel plugins to your codebase:

yarn add -D @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx babel-plugin-jsx-pragmatic

And update your .babelrc to use the JSX babel plugins:

  "plugins": [
        "pragma": "jsx",
        "pragmaFrag": "jsxFrag"
        "module": "json-jsx",
        "import": "jsx",
        "export": "createObject"
        "module": "json-jsx",
        "import": "jsxFrag",
        "export": "Fragment"

You can now use JSX and JSX Fragments <></> in your codebase and Babel will parse the JSX using the json-jsx pragmas.

See below for an example of various ways you can use this syntax.

const EslintExtensions = ({ children }) => ({ extends: children });
const EslintPlugins = ({ plugins }) => ({ plugins });

const CommonRules = () => (
    {{ "import/no-extraneous-dependencies": "error" }}
    {{ "no-console": "warn" }}

const ReactRules = () => ({
  "react/jsx-no-comment-textnodes": "error",
  "react/jsx-no-duplicate-props": "error",

const EslintRules = ({ isReact }) => (
    <CommonRules />
    {isReact && <ReactRules />}

const defaultPlugins = ["import", "jest", "prettier"];

const MyEslintrcConfig = ({ isReact = true }) => {
  const plugins = isReact ? [...defaultPlugins, "react"] : defaultPlugins;

  return (
    <eslintrc parser={"babel-eslint"}>
      <env es6={true} jest={true} node={true} />
      <EslintPlugins plugins={plugins} />
      <EslintRules isReact={isReact} />
        <ecmaFeatures jsx={true} />

console.log(<MyEslintConfig />);
 * {
 *    parser: "babel-eslint",
 *    env: { es6: true, jest: true, node: true },
 *    extends: [
 *      "eslint:recommended",
 *      "plugin:import/recommended",
 *      "plugin:jest/recommended",
 *      "prettier"
 *    ],
 *    plugins: [ "import", "react", "jest", "prettier" ],
 *    rules: {
 *      "import/no-extraneous-dependencies": "error",
 *      "no-console": "warn",
 *      "react/jsx-no-comment-textnodes": "error",
 *      "react/jsx-no-duplicate-props": "error"
 *    },
 *    parserOptions: { ecmaFeatures: { jsx: true } }
 *  }



createObject is a JSX Pragma for creating JSON objects.

Using vanilla JS:

import { createObject, Fragment } from "json-jsx";

 * Evaluates to:
 * {
 *   "myProp": "myPropValue",
 *   "childComponentName": {}
 * }
 * Note that the `componentName` is not assigned as it is
 * the top level component.
const myObjectWithStringComponent = createObject(
  { myProp: "myPropValue" },

 * Evaluates to:
 * {
 *   "myProp": "myPropValue",
 *   "plain": "json children",
 *   "are": "merged",
 *   "including": [{
 *     "array": "values"
 *   }]
 * }
const myObjectWithJsonChildren = createObject(
  { myProp: "myPropValue" },
    { plain: "json children" },
    { are: "merged", including: [{ array: "values" }] },

const MyFunctionalComponent = ({ children, ...props }) =>
  createObject("fnComponentName", props, children);

 * Evaluates to:
 * {
 *   "myFnProp": "myFnPropValue",
 *   "componentName": {
 *     "myProp": "myPropValue",
 *     "childComponentName": {}
 *   }
 * }
 * Note that `componentName` is used here because it is a
 * child component to the `fnComponentName` component.
const myObjectWithFunctionalComponent = createObject(
  { myFnProp: "myFnPropValue" },

 * Fragments enable array-like constructions.

 * Used by themselves, sub-components are assigned to an
 * array.
 * Evaluates to:
 * [
 *   {
 *     "myProp": "myPropValue"
 *   },
 *   {
 *     "myProp": "myPropValue"
 *   }
 * ]
const myArrayUsingFragments = createObject(
  createObject("componentName", { myProp: "myPropValue" }),
  createObject("componentName", { myProp: "myPropValue" })

 * Within the scope of an outer object, the Fragment acts
 * transparently, as if it were not there.
 * Evaluates to:
 * {
 *   "componentName1": {
 *     "myProp": "myPropValue"
 *   },
 *   "componentName2": {
 *     "myProp": "myPropValue"
 *   }
 * }
const myObjectUsingFragments = createObject(
    createObject("componentName1", { myProp: "myPropValue" }),
    createObject("componentName2", { myProp: "myPropValue" })

Equivalent using JSX:

 * Evaluates to:
 * {
 *   "myProp": "myPropValue",
 *   "childComponentName": {}
 * }
 * Note that the `componentName` is not assigned as it is
 * the top level component.
const myObjectWithStringComponent = (
  <componentName myProp={"myPropValue"}>
    <childComponentName />

 * Evaluates to:
 * {
 *   "myProp": "myPropValue",
 *   "plain": "json children",
 *   "are": "merged",
 *   "including": [{
 *     "array": "values"
 *   }]
 * }
const myObjectWithJsonChildren = (
  <componentName myProp={"myPropValue"}>
    {{ plain: "json children" }}
    {{ are: "merged", including: [{ array: "values" }] }}

const MyFunctionalComponent = ({ children, ...props }) => (
  <fnComponentName {...props}>{children}</fnComponentName>

 * Evaluates to:
 * {
 *   "myFnProp": "myFnPropValue",
 *   "componentName": {
 *     "myProp": "myPropValue",
 *     "childComponentName": {}
 *   }
 * }
 * Note that `componentName` is used here because it is a
 * child component to the `fnComponentName` component.
const myObjectWithFunctionalComponent = (
  <MyFunctionalComponent myFnProp={"myFnPropValue"}>

 * Fragments enable array-like constructions.

 * Used by themselves, sub-components are assigned to an
 * array.
 * Evaluates to:
 * [
 *   {
 *     "myProp": "myPropValue"
 *   },
 *   {
 *     "myProp": "myPropValue"
 *   }
 * ]
const myArrayUsingFragments = (
    <componentName myProp={"myPropValue"} />
    <componentName myProp={"myPropValue"} />

 * Within the scope of an outer object, the Fragment acts
 * transparently as if it were not there.
 * Evaluates to:
 * {
 *   "componentName1": {
 *     "myProp": "myPropValue"
 *   },
 *   "componentName2": {
 *     "myProp": "myPropValue"
 *   }
 * }
const myObjectUsingFragments = (
      <componentName1 myProp={"myPropValue"} />
      <componentName2 myProp={"myPropValue"} />
Argument Description
type A string name, functional component or Fragment. If a string is provided, the value is set as a key in the parent JSON object (unless this is the top level component, in which case the type is not used). If a functional component is provided, it is evaluated using the provided props and children.
props An object containing the properties that should be assigned against the type key in the JSON object.
children An array of objects. If the object is a plain JSON object, it will be merged into the object assigned against the type key. If the object is a component then it will be added to type object against a key of the component's name.



yarn install --frozen-lockfile


yarn build


yarn test


yarn lint


Please check out the CONTRIBUTING docs.


Please check out the CHANGELOG docs.


Please check out the ROADMAP docs.