
Configure iOS x11 and Xvnc using MDM and shell scripts

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Start x11 Xvnc server using on iOS.
Remotely ssh into iPhone first.
Then, you can login using Screen Sharing app on mac.
open -a Screen\ Sharing
open "vnc://${VNC_SERVER}:${VNC_PORT}"

If I use MDM to manage my macOS device, I can remotely enable Screen Sharing Service on macOS Sonoma.

The Screen Sharing service cannot be used with kickstart anymore (depricated).

Using MDM, allow remote connections with/to the mac.
Then, you can login to macOS using vnc.

I’ve got x11 running with shellscript: xvnc-iphone
Which passes a to the iphone and executes it, sets ssh and vnc and login with tigervnc.
it runs on macos and linux. Also works with window tiling.