
Toggle waybar corners & waybar gaps using toggle-gaps script

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I configure waybar using nix, and I've been getting a headache when it comes to toggling features in the config of it.
I want to  implement the functionality:
in the config, I want to toggle the corner radius between 0 and 8.
I want to toggle the gaps from 10 to 0.

that way, when I toggle sway gaps, it would become a square style and align with the display flush.

However, if I try to do so using cli, I am struggling (shell scripts are written to toggle gaps etc).
What is the best way to modify nix/store symlinks without modifying nix/store symlinks like that? 
like waybar uses hot-reloading.
I can''t find documentation for cli or ipc invokation of the styling of the bar.

have a script that rewrites a link to two versions of the config in a writable directory, then reloads sway
and to initially create the link, you could use tmpfilesd

Today, I fucking did it bois... let's go!

Waybar can be toggled with gaps on or off.