typo error
MathiasHaudgaard opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Line 292 in fb283ee
Line 281 in fb283ee
pretty sure that it should be receiptHandle with lower case and not ReceiptHandle. ๐
Btw, keep up the good work ๐
Hi @MathiasHaudgaard, thank you for opening this issue.
As I can see at SQS client types - it spelled ReceiptHandle
Please let me know if I missed something.
@YanivD I'm using the library in lambda function, the same way as you described in https://github.com/aspecto-io/sns-sqs-big-payload/blob/master/docs/usage-in-lambda.md
However, I've set deleteAfterProcessing to true so each successful message wil not get retried if one message fails.
I assume it's a lambda thing because in the input to the lamdba function I can see that receiptHandle is spelled with lowercase r.
When i changed from ReceiptHandle to receiptHandle in your library it worked ๐
Not sure if I'm using your library in a different way than you intended.
Just realized that #22 probably addresses the issue