
Deletes do not sync to disconnected clients

wernst opened this issue · 5 comments

wernst commented


  • Run a client with persistent storage, get it in sync with the server
  • Take the client offline
  • Perform a delete (remotely from a different connected client)
  • Take the client back online, the deletion does not sync to the client
wernst commented

Will be available in the next release

Is deletion still an issue?
I have a triplit sync server running and am trying to delete data from it:

  • Client A deletes some data. Deletion is reflected on client A's view (i.e. a fetch yields none of the deleted entries)
  • Client B does not get any updates (not even if this is the This is weird, because even if I run the clear() method on the connected TriplitClient, the old data is still visible