
Websocket Error when running using VueJS template

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WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:6543/?schema=840514468&sync-schema=false&client=hfaEau0ibwSjh_ZHxlpeZ&token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ4LXRyaXBsaXQtdG9rZW4tdHlwZSI6ImFub24iLCJ4LXRyaXBsaXQtcHJvamVjdC1pZCI6ImxvY2FsLXByb2plY3QtaWQifQ.JzN7Erur8Y-MlFdCaZtovQwxN_m_fSyOIWNzYQ3uVcc' failed:
  construct @ websocket-transport.js:149
  connect @ websocket-transport.js:85
  connect @ sync-engine.js:270
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I simply installed the latest VueJS template and then ran the dev environment with npm run dev and got repeating failures to connect.

Just to ensure that it wasn't poor old VueJS being ignored, I installed using the React template but same result.

Ok nevermind. It appears you need to have the triplet server running the the script dev doesn't start it. Shouldn't it be started automatically?

Hey @yankeeinlondon did you also start the Triplit dev server? Like npx triplit dev. It should start a server listening on port 6543. You need to run this in addition to Vue's dev server.

Just did that ... i'd have expected the pnpm dev command to auto start this. Are there situations where you wouldn't want this in dev mode?

we can close this issuue I just thought it would be more intuitive if you could "start" by just cloning the template and entering dev mode.