
Let's move the website to a GH hosted page

Closed this issue · 8 comments

@aspiers any chance you can get this moved over at some point?

If not, I'll get to it; I'd just need you to add a redirect or link at to the new location.

Absolutely, I was thinking of the same thing! I can definitely add a redirect when it's ready. I guess all you need to do is create a gh-pages branch, right?

If it helps, I can click the "Launch Automatic page generator" button.

@aspiers I had to use the google cache to get the source of the page, but I got it up at:

I didn't grab the css or images, so if you wouldn't mind checking out the "gh-pages" branch and getting those assets into there, I'd appreciate.


I'd strongly recommend we ditch the current "design" (or lack of) and go with something more modern. Don't feel you have to just clone the original page, since it was made in a totally different era of the web :)

P.S. why did you need to use the google cache?

I was only going to modify the page for info, but I imagine at some point it might get a facelift. But to answer your question, going to gives me a "Page not found".

Ohhh I see. But it's the exact same content as so I thought you had got it from there.