
Track recent breaking changes in `*.json` files

Closed this issue · 8 comments

This repo contains untracked breaking changes. To find and address them

  1. Revert 55507de
  2. Run .\build.cmd /t:Pack in projects 55507de touched or .\build.cmd /t:Package in the repo root
  3. Update exceptions.net45.json and exceptions.netcore.json to track the changes
  4. If not already announced, suggest filing issues at

In addition the following projects lack baselines. The details below are reformatted from a recent Universe build on the CI.

  No baseline file for net46 found in Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.AzureStorage.
  No baseline file for netstandard1.5 found in Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.AzureStorage.
  No baseline file for net46 found in Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.Redis.
  No baseline file for netstandard1.5 found in Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.Redis.

Looks like baselines should be created in release or rel/1.0.1 and checked into at least dev.

@ajaybhargavb Are we doing this in preview2?

Unlikely given I have some razor issues. But I can try doing this if all goes well with my other PRs 😄

This made it in to preview2

@ajaybhargavb good to close then, or are we waiting it to pass first?

There is still a second part to this for which we wanted to talk to @Eilon.