
Create SQL XmlRepository

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Would make sense as it's one of the most common shared pieces of infrastructure between multiple servers.

It's mentioned in #145 but doesn't seem to have been built.

@muratg It's worth doing, but I think trying to make it generic, or indeed EF model based might be more bother than its worth. A straightforward SQL, with parameterised queries would do it.

I'm trying to implement such a repository and I use EF. I struggle with figuring out how to properly resolve the corresponding DbContext. The context would be registered as scoped in the DI container, but I don't know how the repository is being registered - or if I would have to register it myself.

I do the following:

// Register db context
    opts =>
        var dpapiMigrationsAssembly = typeof(DataProtectionDbContext).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetName().Name;
        opts.UseSqlServer(dpapiConnectionString, b => b.MigrationsAssembly(dpapiMigrationsAssembly));

// configure dpapi
    .ProtectKeysWithCertificate(GetCertificate()) // no support for rollover or revocation when using certificate?
    .AddKeyManagementOptions(options => options.XmlRepository = new SqlDatabaseXmlRepository(/* TODO: how to resolve? Repository needs to be an instance and any DI would be for *right now* */))

This issue was moved to dotnet/aspnetcore#2505