_Layout file for Identity not scaffolded
josejmoran opened this issue · 3 comments
josejmoran commented
When I scaffold the UI for Identity everything works fine. But the file: Areas/Identity/Pages/Account/Manage/_Layout.cshtml include a line referencing a file that I look for it in the directory it says it should be but is not generated when I scaffold.
Layout = "/Areas/Identity/Pages/_Layout.cshtml";
If I comment the line I get an error, which means Identity is using this file. It seems it did not get generated when I scaffold the Identity files. Where is this file located?
IlyaSolovyov commented
Same issue as #1954. Still waiting for comments from the dev team.
jamiewest commented
I can confirm this on the preview 2 bits.
blowdart commented
This issue was moved to dotnet/Scaffolding#884