Converting Razor Pages to Controller+View pair
M-Zuber opened this issue · 2 comments
M-Zuber commented
Hope I have the terminology correct.
I am looking for tooling that will enable me to "Eject" a razor page into the underlying components.
My current use case is when I am using the default scaffolded Identity, I can't auto-redirect to the users profile page from within my Home controller.
danroth27 commented
We don't have any plans to convert Razor Pages to MVC controllers/views, but we should still be able to help you out with your scenario.
I can't auto-redirect to the users profile page from within my Home controller.
You should be able to redirect to any page in the Identity area, like this:
return RedirectToPage("/Account/Manage/Index", new { area = "Identity" });
Let me know if that works for you!
M-Zuber commented
Thank you!
That does work.
As for the eject tool, maybe I'll try putting something together