This is a web application for a simple task management system. The application allows users to create tasks, mark them as complete, and delete tasks. Both the front-end and back-end components of the application have been implemented using React and Rails.
- User-friendly interface for creating tasks, marking them as complete, and deleting tasks.
- Tasks are organized in a list, making it easy for users to manage and track their tasks.
- Responsive design that works well on different devices, including desktop and mobile.
- Persistent data storage, ensuring that tasks are saved even if the application is restarted.
The following technologies were used to build this application:
- React.js (JavaScript library for building user interfaces)
- Ant design (React UI library )
- Ruby on Rails (web application framework)
- PostgreSQL (relational database for data storage)
To run this application locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Change directory to task-management-system:
cd task-management-system
Install frontend packages and start server(Always run command in the main directory):
cd front_end && npm install npm start
Install backend packages and start server(Always run command in the main directory):
cd back_end && bundle install rails server
👤 Rich Adu
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Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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