Getting an error from vanity when trying to update redis
toddmetheny opened this issue · 3 comments
toddmetheny commented
We just updated our redis instance.
Now we're getting an error any place we have a call to vanity.
For example:
mixpanel.track('Acquisition Event', {
'Trigger Type': '8 seconds',
'Show New Version': <%= ab_test(:sg_20170624_homepage_redesign) %>,
'Page': 'Homepage'
}, 8000); // 8 seconds```
The error points to the ab_test line and reads as:
```>> ab_test(:sg_20170624_homepage_redesign)
!! #<Redis::CommandError: ERR unknown command '[]'>```
phillbaker commented
Hey! f06d90b on master should fix the issue. Haven't done a release yet, but if you could use master for a bit, that's probably the quickest fix.
phillbaker commented
@toddmetheny did master fix the issue?
toddmetheny commented
@phillbaker Ah---I missed that comment. We switched to use split instead. Wish I had seen it.