
build only changed files with grunt-newer dosen't work

tobiasharth opened this issue · 1 comments

Hey there,

i will use Assemble like the description on the installation-site with the grunt-newer task, but it build always the whole page with 1000+ pages.

My Assemble task in the Gruntfile:

 assemble: {
      options: {
        assets: "contents/assets",
        data: "config.json",
        layoutdir: "templates",
        layout: "default.hbs",
        partials: "templates/partials/**/*.hbs",
        helpers: ["lib/helpers/*.js" ]
      project: {
        options: {},
        files: {
          "sites/_default/public": ["contents/**/*.md" ]

The content tree is like:

|- contents
    |--- docs
    |     |--- current
    |     |     |--- lorem ipsum
    |     |           |---
    |     |--- versions
    |           |--- v.1.0.1
    |           |--- v.1.0.2
    |           |--- v.1.0.3
    |                 |--- lorem ipsum
    |                       |---
    |--- product
    |--- start

What is wronge? Do you support grunt-newer with single changed files? Is there a failure in grunt-newer or in my Gruntfile?


blmyr commented

Hey there,

grunt-newer works and only runs the assemble task if a file has changed but I guess assemble is designed to always build all the pages. So it will only run if there have been changes but then it will build everything. It would be great though if this could be implemented since it would speed up a continuous build process by a great amount.
