
Error after upgrade to Ember 2.16

Closed this issue · 6 comments

After I upgrade to EmberJS 2.16 I got the following error in the browser knowing that I am using the last version of add-on 0.0.6

Uncaught ReferenceError: Pikaday is not defined
    at Class.setupPikaday (pikaday.js:111)
    at Class.didInsertElement (pikaday-input.js:20)
    at Class.trigger (core_view.js:62)
    at Class.superWrapper [as trigger] (ember-utils.js:437)
    at CurlyComponentManager.didCreate (curly.js:313)
    at Transaction.commit (runtime.js:6157)
    at Environment.commit (runtime.js:6407)
    at Environment.commit (environment.js:282)
    at InteractiveRenderer._renderRoots (renderer.js:350)
    at InteractiveRenderer._renderRootsTransaction (renderer.js:379)

install pikaday-time: 1.6.1 in bower and
include the following line in ember-cli-build.js

It works, Thanks :)
You need also to include the following line in ember-cli-build.js for style to work

Thanks for finding this, looking into it now.

@m-nagy Could you remove the bower dependency you added and try updating to v0.0.7? I believe this bug should be fixed.

@luisliuchao Thanks for helping @m-nagy out!

@robertbenjamin Issue resolved with the new version. Thanks :)

Awesome, thanks bring the issue to attention.