Assertions generator doesn't generate for inner classes
baztian opened this issue · 3 comments
I did not manage to generate assertions for public static inner classes. I have a lot of these inner classes as they are generated jaxb.
assertj-examples has an example of assertion generation for static inner class, using Book.Title
public class Book {
private Title title;
public Book(String title) {
this.title = new Title(title);
public Title getTitle() {
return title;
public static class Title {
private String title;
public Title(String title) {
super(); and
this.title = title; ``
public String getTitle() {
return title;
It generates assertions for both Book
and Book.Title
, here's Book.Title
abstract assertion class:
public abstract class AbstractBookTitleAssert<S extends AbstractBookTitleAssert<S, A>, A extends Book.Title>
extends AbstractAssert<S, A> {
* Creates a new <code>{@link AbstractBookTitleAssert}</code> to make assertions on actual Book.Title.
* @param actual the Book.Title we want to make assertions on.
protected AbstractBookTitleAssert(A actual, Class<S> selfType) {
super(actual, selfType);
* Verifies that the actual Book.Title's title is equal to the given one.
* @param title the given title to compare the actual Book.Title's title to.
* @return this assertion object.
* @throws AssertionError - if the actual Book.Title's title is not equal to the given one.
public S hasTitle(String title) {
// check that actual Book.Title we want to make assertions on is not null.
// overrides the default error message with a more explicit one
String assertjErrorMessage = "\nExpected title of:\n <%s>\nto be:\n <%s>\nbut was:\n <%s>";
// null safe check
String actualTitle = actual.getTitle();
if (!Objects.areEqual(actualTitle, title)) {
failWithMessage(assertjErrorMessage, actual, title, actualTitle);
// return the current assertion for method chaining
return myself;
and the corresponding concrete assertion class:
public class BookTitleAssert extends AbstractBookTitleAssert<BookTitleAssert, Book.Title> {
* Creates a new <code>{@link BookTitleAssert}</code> to make assertions on actual Book.Title.
* @param actual the Book.Title we want to make assertions on.
public BookTitleAssert(Book.Title actual) {
super(actual, BookTitleAssert.class);
* An entry point for BookTitleAssert to follow AssertJ standard <code>assertThat()</code> statements.<br>
* With a static import, one can write directly: <code>assertThat(myBook.Title)</code> and get specific assertion with code completion.
* @param actual the Book.Title we want to make assertions on.
* @return a new <code>{@link BookTitleAssert}</code>
public static BookTitleAssert assertThat(Book.Title actual) {
return new BookTitleAssert(actual);
How different your classes are ?
Can you provide an example ?
no feedback, closing the issue.
Maybe the problem arised with the use of the CLI launcher *.cli.AssertionGeneratorLauncher
(e.g. in a build script) and its option -H
for hierarchical generation. Unfortunately with this option no inner classes' assertions will be generated automatically. You have to explicitly provide these inner classes as arguments package.OuterClass$InnerClass
then the assertions will be generated.