
docker container not starting

theouteredge opened this issue · 9 comments


I'm just trying to use your docker container, but when I try and run the image is exits instantly.

I've installed mysql as a container and its up and running with port 3306 exposed. I've created an acweb database and run your db creation scripts.

I've tried the following commands:
sudo docker run -d -p 80:8080 --name acweb --link mysql:latest -e ACWEB_DB_USER=root -e ACWEB_DB_PASSWORD=******* -e ACWEB_DB_HOST="tcp(" -e ACWEB_DB=acweb -v /ac/install/path:/ac -v /log/dir/path:/logs kugel/acweb

sudo docker run -d -p 80:8080 --name acweb -e ACWEB_DB_USER=root -e ACWEB_DB_PASSWORD=******* -e ACWEB_DB_HOST="tcp(" -e ACWEB_DB=acweb -v /ac/install/path:/ac -v /log/dir/path:/logskugel/acweb

sudo docker run -d -p 80:8080 --name acweb -e ACWEB_DB_USER=root -e ACWEB_DB_PASSWORD=***** -e ACWEB_DB_HOST= -e ACWEB_DB_PORT=3306 -e ACWEB_DB=acweb -v /ac/install/path:/ac -v /log/dir/path:/logs kugel/acweb

ac@assetto-corsa-server:~$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                     PORTS               NAMES
e140e0bff739        kugel/acweb         "/app/main"              5 seconds ago       Exited (1) 4 seconds ago                       acweb
63a025a75a74        mysql               "docker-entrypoint.s…"   About an hour ago   Up About an hour           3306/tcp            elastic_montalcini
ee1d85aff4da        mysql:latest        "docker-entrypoint.s…"   About an hour ago   Up About an hour           3306/tcp            mysql

Any ideas why it exits immediately?

Have you looked at the log file? You can take a look at the docker image output by removing the -d option and adding -e ACWEB_LOGDIR= (empty) as well. It's most likely a database connection issue. I can run it on my machine (Ubuntu 16.04, MySQL running inside a container) like so:

sudo docker run -p 8077:8080 --rm --name acweb -e ACWEB_DB_USER=root -e ACWEB_DB_PASSWORD=root -e ACWEB_DB_HOST="tcp(" -e ACWEB_DB=acweb -e ACWEB_LOGDIR= kugel/acweb

Notice the MySQL IP is set to the docker bridge IP. You can look it up by using ifconfig.

Thank you that was the issue! The mysql IP address is

The website is up and running :)

You're welcome :)

Another question. Sorry.

When an AC server is launched, its it launched within the docker container or on the host machine?

Huh good question. The instance is started inside the docker image but reads the application data from the host machine.

So I need to to forward the docker server ports, same as the web port?

Yes you need to expose the game ports.

Hi got everything almost setup

but when I try and start a server I get
level=error msg="Error starting instance" err="fork/exec /ac/acServer: permission denied"

I've tried
chmod 777 server

Fixed this, chmod for some reason didn't change the exe.
I'm all up and running, thanks for this btw, it works well :)