
Error when starting server with postgres db: FATA[0000] Error connecting to database

rig0 opened this issue · 2 comments

rig0 commented

The full error displayed on terminal is:

FATA[0000] Error connecting to database err="dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused"

It seems to me my ACWEB_DB_TYPE or ACWEB_DB_HOST values are not being fully used. I am running Debian 9 on a VPS. I set up postgres and confirmed the user and db exists. I am going the manual route by the way. These are my variables and I also confirmed with bash they work.

export ACWEB_HOST=localhost:8057
export ACWEB_LOGDIR=/home/user/acw/web_logs
export ACWEB_LOGLEVEL=info
export ACWEB_INSTANCE_LOGDIR=/home/user/acw/instance_logs
export ACWEB_CONFIG_DIR=/home/user/acw/config
export ACWEB_DB_TYPE=postgres
export ACWEB_DB_USER=acweb
export ACWEB_DB_PASSWORD=password
export ACWEB_DB_HOST=localhost
export ACWEB_DB=acweb
export ACWEB_DB_PORT=5432
export ACWEB_DB_SSLMODE=disable

I have also tried export ACWEB_DB_HOST="tcp(" but get same error

I searched around the source code looking for a hint as to what is going wrong but ended up spending a couple of hours with no answer. Judging by the error it seems to be trying to connect to a mysql db even though I specified postgres. Any clue on what I might be doing wrong?

rig0 commented

This was a silly mistake on my end. I was launching acweb at root level by typing sudo ~/acw/acweb and that was not picking up the variables set in my user .profile. After running acweb as user it ran and log showed no errors but now I am getting 404 page not found. Will look around for solution for now.

You can check the server is up and running propperly by calling it using curl. But appart from that you might have a configuration issue I can't solve :)