
Missing ini entries

Xarlith opened this issue · 3 comments

Can missing ini entries be added in next version?

Option to enter custom AUTH_PLUGIN_ADDRESS in [SERVER] section is missing.
Same goes with lack of BALLAST and RESTRICTOR entries for entrylist generation/importing.
This is quite crucial since without AUTH_PLUGIN_ADDRESS anybody can enter server and with being unable to set ballst a big portion of server_cfg and entrylist has to be placed in custom field of the acweb editor.

And also if you want to use custom entry list you still have to add atleast one car via the web gui. If you don't you will get a message "At least one car must be added."

Oh sorry I forgot about this ticket for some time. I'm gonna try to fix it within the next one or two weeks :)

I've added all three of the fields and fixed the error message mentioned by @KoumaMisna