
Can't "save" acweb config via web interface - "Error 1054: Unknown column 'auth_plugin_address' in 'field list'"

Coradol opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello. I am running acweb and a mysql instance in two docker containers. DB is set, connection between the two hosts is working, i can login to the web frontend, i set the settings AC server folder to /ac, i put in my linux assetto server into /ac directory on the acweb instance, i ckecked write permissions on the /ac directory.

But when I press the save button in the web frontend, nothing happens. In the logfile an error is raist telling me: time="2018-12-09T17:09:00Z" level=error msg="Error saving configuration" err="Error 1054: Unknown column 'auth_plugin_address' in 'field list'"

Any ideas?


Found the solution. schema.sql isnt the latest schema, its the first. So go and inport all schemas to get to the latest database version.

Start with schema.sql -> mig_1.0.3_1.1.0.sql -> mig_1.1.0_1.2.0.sql -> mig_1.2.1_1.3.0.sql -> mig_1.4.0_1.4.1.sql

Glad it worked for you :) I should make that more clear probably...