
typo config folder name

nicholascw opened this issue · 5 comments

first is that I found my cars and tracks empty even though I configured the acServer directory correct.
then I found there's a "config" folder inside acweb root folder, and there are cars.json and tracks.json.
however after reading the log it said err reading car/track file, it's trying to read from "configs" folder and after I mv it to configs it seems working when adding configurations.

so here I am still wondering if it is standalone with the game folder, so every time I wish to add mod track/car I have to manually update the car/track files here?

Also I didn't get it work to import a server_cfg/entry_list , is it still in progress just with frontend ready?

The typo is definitly a bug.
In order to add cars/tracks, you have to edit the json files every time and update them on the server.
I don't know about the server config import, it meight got broken with the last update. Can you send me your config files so that I can check? @macedot @venyii

It turns out that it's actually I cannot even saving a configuration properly... I suggest it could be my database configured badly?

The following is the log file

time="2019-01-17T11:23:18-05:00" level=error msg="Error saving configuration" err="Error 1054: Unknown column 'auth_plugin_address' in 'field list'"
time="2019-01-17T11:23:19-05:00" level=error msg="Error saving configuration" err="Error 1054: Unknown column 'auth_plugin_address' in 'field list'"
time="2019-01-17T11:23:19-05:00" level=error msg="Error saving configuration" err="Error 1054: Unknown column 'auth_plugin_address' in 'field list'"
time="2019-01-17T11:23:30-05:00" level=error msg="Error reading all configurations" err="missing destination name time in *[]model.Configuration"
time="2019-01-17T11:25:35-05:00" level=error msg="Error saving configuration" err="Error 1054: Unknown column 'auth_plugin_address' in 'field list'"
time="2019-01-17T11:25:36-05:00" level=error msg="Error saving configuration" err="Error 1054: Unknown column 'auth_plugin_address' in 'field list'"
time="2019-01-17T11:25:36-05:00" level=error msg="Error saving configuration" err="Error 1054: Unknown column 'auth_plugin_address' in 'field list'"

and this is the stdout output

user@host:~/v1.4.2_linux_64bit$ ./ 
2019/01/17 11:11:29 Error 1: Session not found
2019/01/17 11:11:36 Error 1: Error reading all configurations
2019/01/17 11:11:57 Error 1: Error reading all configurations
2019/01/17 11:22:55 Error 8: Error saving configuration
2019/01/17 11:23:00 Error 8: Error saving configuration
2019/01/17 11:23:01 Error 8: Error saving configuration

Have you executed all migration scripts within the schema directory?

oh… are they required even if it's newly installed? (I thought they are for updates... I'll try exec those. thanks!

The config directory is read from the env variable ACWEB_CONFIG_DIR, I updated the documentation since it pointed to the wrong directory.