assist-project/dtls-fuzzer not working on macOS

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running returns COMPILATION WARNING: system modules path not set in conjunction with -source 11
COMPILATION ERROR : (with 100 errors 'does not exists)like:
/Users/giorgiocorna/dtls-fuzzer/src/main/java/se/uu/it/dtlsfuzzer/sut/io/[3,33] package javax.xml.bind.annotation does not exist

This can't let me install dtls-fuzzer.
All requirements (Java11, Maven...) are satisfied.

Hi @Giocorna1 ,

Unfortunately, I don't have a computer running macOS to reproduce the problem. It would help if you told me which version of DTLS-Fuzzer you are running. The USENIX release requires Java 8 (and will not work with a newer version of Java). The latest in the master branch should work on Java 11. Did you try:

> export JAVA_HOME=`/path/to/java11_home`
> bash 

None of us has access to a Mac to test or reproduce this, but perhaps you may have better luck with cloning the current master branch which AFAIK does not, directly at least, need / use javax.xml.bind.annotation.

tried not to clone the repository but downloaded it as zip file and it worked. So it's a problem with git-clone. Btw now i have problems with openssl-1.1.1b. It gives me this: line 235: wget: command not found
Failed to load the archive at the URL:
rm: /tmp/dtls-fuzzer-root/openssl-1.1.1b.tar.gz: No such file or directory

wget is a standard (and pretty well-known) GNU command to download/get some file from the Web. I am sure it exists on MacOS in some form.

Just figured it out after commenting. Had to install wget manually. Thanks for fast reply