
Needs support to Asterisk 14

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Wont work with asterisk 14...


Sorry, this is a copy/paste message for both pull requests and open issues on github against the starpy project - apply it appropriately.

Just as a heads up, we have moved starpy over to so that the code contribution process works similarly to other codebases maintained by the Asterisk project. You can find more information about how to contribute code in that environment at

As part of this change, we’re going to be closing any github based pull requests against starpy. It is advisable to re-submit them as code reviews on against the starpy project.

Similarly, we are moving issue tracking for the starpy project over to As part of this change, we are going to close any outstanding issues against starpy on github. Feel free to migrate any issues that remain relevant to under the starpy project.

For any questions or comments about this, feel free to email us on the asterisk-dev mailing list at or see a developer on in the #asterisk-dev IRC channel.

Thanks, and sorry again about the inconvenience.

The Asterisk Development Team