cannot use _Ctype_ulong(len(b)) (value of type _Ctype_ulong) as type _Ctype_ulonglong in variable declaration
491467928 opened this issue · 4 comments
when I run the simple,error happened:
....\channel_layout.go:96:103: cannot use _Ctype_ulong(len(b)) (value of type _Ctype_ulong) as type _Ctype_ulonglong in variable declaration
....\dictionary.go:65:43: cannot use size (variable of type *_Ctype_ulong) as type *_Ctype_ulonglong in variable declaration
....\dictionary.go:71:52: cannot use size (variable of type _Ctype_ulong) as type _Ctype_ulonglong in variable declaration
....\frame.go:97:54: cannot use &linesize[0] (value of type *_Ctype_long) as type *_Ctype_longlong in variable declaration
....\frame.go:161:120: cannot use _Ctype_ulong(size) (value of type _Ctype_ulong) as type _Ctype_ulonglong in variable declaration
....\frame_side_data.go:25:11: cannot use d.c.size (variable of type _Ctype_ulonglong) as type _Ctype_ulong in assignment
....\packet.go:91:75: cannot use size (variable of type *_Ctype_ulong) as type *_Ctype_ulonglong in variable declaration
....\stream.go:61:75: cannot use size (variable of type *_Ctype_ulong) as type *_Ctype_ulonglong in variable declaration
go 1.19.3
astiav :0.10.0
Mmm that's a weird one 🤔
Which OS are you using and is your machine 32 or 64bits? 🤔
win10 ,amd64
when I run example/transcoding/main.go, the same error occurred.
my os is win11, amd64
FYI I've finally managed to reproduce the error using Github actions and I've pushed a fix in master.
I've also created a v0.11.0
tag 👍